Migration Rules of Azerbaijan

Temporary Stay Regulations

Immigration and short-term stays have some strict regulations within the Republic of Azerbaijan, this is for the sake of order and security within its borders. Foreigners arriving in Azerbaijan on a temporary visa and stateless individuals are required to observe the period of their actual stay according to the one stated in the visa issued to them.

Visa Period Expiration

If a visitor visa or short-stay visa does not get extended beyond the expiration date and if a foreigner is unable to obtain a temporary residence permit, he must return to the country right away.

Requirements For Registration

All foreigners, including stateless persons arriving in Azerbaijan and staying in the country for more than 15 days, are subject to registration at the State Migration Service of Azerbaijan. If during the period of stay or prior to arrival the accommodation has been changed, the new address must be presented to the Azerbaijani authorities within 5 days.

Consequences Over Non-Compliance

Failure to register with the State Migration Service or failure to comply with the rules of the registration under Azerbaijani law may entail legal consequences. The offense can be administratively or legally penalized under Article 575 of the Administrative Offences Code. When in Azerbaijan, one shall follow all the immigration regulations in full.

Paid Employment Restrictions

An e-visa does not convince one to engage in paid work in Azerbaijan. A foreigner who would like to work in Azerbaijan has to apply for a certain type of visa, such as a labor visa. Usually, under this visa, one is allowed to be paid and employed, the validity being up to 90 days.

Temporary Residence and Work Requirements

One who intends to stay in Azerbaijan for a temporary or short period to carry out paid work shall obtain a business or work visa and a temporary residence permit. The purchase may be done through procedures under the Migration Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan.